Edmund C. Boese, MD

Practice Name: Pain Care Clinic of Idaho, PC
Specialty: Pain Management
Address: 742 E. State St. #150
City / Zip: Eagle, ID 83616
Website: www.paincareclinicofidaho.com
Phone: (208) 939-3750
Fax: (208) 939-3754
IDID Insurance: In Network
Practice Location
Physician Biography
Edmund C. Boese M.D. founded Pain Care Clinic of Idaho (PCCOFID) in 2014. It was recently designated as one of the U.S. Center's of Excellence for training in Scrambler Therapy®. PCCOFID provides non-narcotic and minimally invasive alternatives for chronic pain, neuropathic pain and oncologic pain (CIPN). Edmund C. Boese M.D. is board certified as an Anesthesiologist and Medical Acupuncturist. After 40 years of experience in the surgical suite he understands all too well the burden on patients and family of unending pain non-responsive to pain treatments. Patients unable to work and on disability or with no insurance try to minimize their pain while seeking multiple pain solutions proving costly and ineffective. Dr. Boese offers the new and revolutionary Scrambler Therapy® a signature treatment for PCCOFID. It is an electroanalgesic therapy delivered only by an M.D. or D.O. using the MC-5A FDA 510 (K) cleared medical device. Scrambler Therapy® replaces the “pain” signal with a “non-pain” signal. Dr. Boese was trained and received his certification by the inventor Giuseppe Marineo in Rome, Italy. Other therapies offered include Medical Acupuncture which is physician delivered, InterX Therapy®, Trigger Point Injections and Alpha Stim-M® for anxiety, depression, PTSD and chronic pain. Dr. Boese was also invited to Andrews Air Force Base to observe how Scrambler Therapy® and Medical Acupuncture is being used by the military. He received his M.D. from Penn State University Medical School and Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. He was trained in Medical Acupuncture at Harvard, UCLA, and Munich, Germany and received his Board Certification for Medical Acupuncture in 2014. He is the representative to Idaho for the American Board of Medical Acupuncture and is a delegate for the Idaho Medical Association. His passion is fly fishing and spending time with his family on rivers in Idaho and Wyoming.