Jayson Johnson, MD
Practice Name: Idaho Hand Center
Specialty: Orthopedics
Hand, Wrist, & Elbow
Address: 901 N. Curtis Rd. #304
City / Zip: Boise, ID 83706
Website: idahohandcenter.com
Phone: (208) 342-4263
Fax: (208) 375-0597
IDID Insurance: In Network
Practice Location
Physician Biography
Jayson C. Johnson M.D., was born and raised in southeastern Idaho. He studied exercise physiology and Spanish while attending Brigham Young University in Utah. He earned a medical degree at McGovern Medical School in Houston, Texas. After medical school he completed orthopedic residency at the University of Missouri in Columbia. Dr. Johnson continued his training by completing a 1 year fellowship in hand and upper extremity surgery at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. He trained with both orthopedic and plastic surgeons in microsurgical techniques and upper extremity reconstruction.