Timothy Johans, MD
Practice Name: Neuroscience Associates
Specialty: Neurological Surgery
Spinal Surgery, Cranial Neurosurgery
Address: 6140 W. Curtisian Ave. #400
City / Zip: Boise, ID 83704
Website: timjohansmd.com
Phone: (208) 327-5600
Fax: (208) 327-5602
IDID Insurance: In Network
Practice Locations
Physician Biography
I’ve had the privilege of raising three girls with my wife Kathlyn in Boise for the past two decades and believe deeply in the lifestyle and strong community values afforded us by living in the Treasure Valley area. I am a board-certified and Fellowship trained neurosurgeon with special interests in surgical management of spinal and brain conditions. I specialize in neck pain, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, cervical arthroplasty and deep brain stimulation.