Tina Measham, MD

Member List chevron_right Dermatology chevron_right Tina Measham, MD
Independent Doctors of Idaho Hero Image
Profile Photo of Tina Measham, MD
  • Practice Name: Ada West Dermatopathology

  • Specialties: Dermatology, Pathology

  • Dermatopathology

  • Address: 1618 S. Millennium Way #100

  • City / Zip: Meridian, ID 83642

Practice Location


1618 S. Millennium Way #100

Meridian, ID 83642

(208) 884-3376

Physician Biography

Dr. Measham completed her medical school training at the University of British Columbia. After practicing family medicine for a few years in Canada, she moved to California and did additional residencies in dermatology and pathology at USC and UCLA. After working in New Mexico, she relocated to Boise, ID, and has been enjoying the outdoors. A native of Canada, in her off-hours, she’s actively out playing tennis, golfing, biking, and skiing.